Monday, December 1, 2008

Search Engine Optimization

I just signed up on the Meetup website.  I have always been intrigued by the events on the site, and I signed up because I noticed that there is a Search Engine Optimization event this Wednesday in D.C.  I am thinking about going since I certainly do have a lot to learn about SEO. 

Creating a website is really just one small part of doing a start-up.  An even bigger part is getting people who would be interested in using your site to be able to find the site.  I have looked into SEO some and I know that there is a lot that I should do in that area.  It is just so hard to find enough time in the day to do everything that I want to do with the website on top of everything that I HAVE to do with the website to keep it running on a daily basis.  Anyways, baby steps as Dr. Leo Marvin would say... 

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